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Hutton/Perley/Christina Lake After School Art Program
The After School, and Lunch Arts Initiative/Festival of Trees
Schools: Christina Lake, Perley and Hutton.
This fabulous program has been running for 12 years. It includes youth from grades 4 to 7 throughout the Boundary.
In the spring Greenwood and West Boundary join and we put on “Art Attack” at Gallery 2.
During the covid years, the youth took on charity projects, for the holiday season.
Last year we donated a decorated wreath for Festival of Trees.
The youth are very excited to make decorations and put together a Christmas tree. Most of the youth
knew about the charities this amazing event supports. They are very eager to contribute.
We hope everyone likes our “Paper and Glitter” themed tree!
Music: Happy Santa Musician: Grand Project
Starting Bid $50
Winner - Sarah Kientz $85.00
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