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The 1st Grand Forks Scouts

The 1st Grand Forks Scouts is gearing up for a return! 

One thing Scouts provides is a spirit of giving back to the community, so what better way to kick off our return to Grand Forks then by participating in a community Fundraiser. 


We themed our tree off one of our main Scout Fundraisers, which is popcorn. Popcorn and Christmas made us think of birds, so we added some cranberries and oranges, so you can put the decorations outside after to feed our feathered friends over the cold winter months. 


Enjoy the tree, and if you want any further information on Scouts, please join our Facebook Page: 1st Grand Forks Scouts - BC


We are always looking for Adult Scouters, Parent helpers and Youth who want to turn every day into an adventure.

Grand Forks Scouts

Photo Courtesy Peter Kalasz Photography 

Music: Happy Santa                Musician: Grand Project

Starting Bid $50

Winner - Tammy Battersby $60.00

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